Thursday, April 8, 2010

You're All The Same

One day, a Chinese man went to Hollywood and met a famous film producer, Steven Spielberg.
He wanted to have his autograph but suddenly Spielberg slap that Chinese
The Chinese asked "What the?! Why did you slapped me?!"
Spielberg replied " You!! You're the one who bombed Pearl Harbour! Get outta here!!"
Chinese... " The one who bombed Pearl Harbour is not Chinese but Japanese."
Spielberg " Chinese, Japanese, Thaiwanese... You're all the same!!"
The Chinese became angry and slapped Spielberg
The Chinese scolded " You Spielberg are the one who built Titanic and killed our ancestors!! You should be a shame!!"
Spielberg... " The one who killed your ancestors is not Spielberg but an iceberg."
Chinese " Spielberg, Iceberg, Carlsberg. You're all the same!"


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