Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Still have someone else

Do u even know what it feels like to be broken hearted???
Think again!!
I felt this way already with my crush...and friend... I still love
It feels like I'm abandoned by him
Feels like he never care about me
Feels like... I lost him...
Do u know what it feels like to not talk with your crush??
I do...
Feels lonely
Even though your friend or your BFF is right beside u.. Feels like u miss something
How bout u never see your crush anymore??
U feel like u have lost everything that have stole your heart
But always remember!!
U still have your friends
Still have your family
Still have God
In your heart
So u never feel lonely
Never feel u miss something
Never feel u lost everything
Cuz u still have someone else
And someday...
A boy will stand in front of u...
Asking u to go out
And u will always live happily
I wish u all Good Luck!!!