Friday, April 30, 2010


Have you ever feel that your parents are annoying??
I have...
But don't ever ever hate them...
They are the one who gave you your life..
They gave you everything you always wanted...
If you are a poor kid..
But you still have your parents...
Your parents will always try their best to make you happy...
If God took your parents life...
Don't hate God for it...
Cuz your parents will always be in your heart..
So you will never fell you lost them...
They tried their best to make you smile...
They will never ever give up until they finished their jobs...
Always love your parents...
Do what they asked you to do...
Don't disobey them...
Make them happy...
Always pray for them...
And be grateful to them...
You should be thank God...
Because God gave you...
Two incredible humans that always make you happy and gave you your life...
They always call them...
Love your parents always!!!