Monday, April 19, 2010

Selena and Demi are fighting?!

Elo everybody
Or shall I say...
Whzz'up dudes and dudettes?!
Ther's a cute picture of Selena and Demi
I post this cuz...
I want u guys to know that
I think Selena and Demi are fighting!!!
This is a nightmare!!
Nightmare I tell u! NIGHTMARE!!!
How can they fight when they are having so much fun?!
But this is just a 'maybe'
I know this by...
A girl met Demi and Taylor together hanging out..
Then she asked for Demi's autogarph
She asked ' How's Selena?? Is she okay??'
Then Demi just feel like annoyed
Then Demi said " Just ask Taylor"
I think they really fight..
But I dunno..
Just wish they will be BFF again

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