Friday, April 16, 2010

Always be in my heart

I always think about you...
Every time I'm sad..
Just by thinking of you, feel like in paradise..
Every day, every seconds... Always think of u..
I want u to be with me right here right now...
Every time I'm sad, you'll be there to cheer me..
Every time I got lost, you'll be there to find me..
Every time I need you, you always be in my side...
I need you to hold me now...
I will and always think of u...
I love u, my dear...
My heart is full of you..
If I am next to you.. My heart is pounding...
Please hug me now...
Bad boys always be in the darkness...
Good boys always be in the light..
But an angel like you, always be in my heart...
No matter what happen, you'll always be in my heart...
I love you..