Monday, May 10, 2010

2 eyeballs

One day there was a couple
They really love each other...
The boyfriend is... blind...
The girl asked : " When are you gonna marry me?"
The boy replied : " When I can see again "
Then he just got a news that he can get a new eyes
So finally he operated his eyes and can see again
The first thing he looked is his girlfriend
He was shocked because...
His girlfriend was actually blind!
The girl said : " Now that u can see, when will u marry me?"
The boy replied : " I changed my mind. I will never marry you."
So the boy will never marry the girl because the girl is blind
The girl said : " Oooo... So u will never marry me?? Ok... Its ok... I'm not mad... But promise me something... Please take care of my 2 eyeballs that u use for your eyes right now... ^_^"
So the the girl send her great eyeballs for his boyfriend so the boy can see
And now the boy doesn't care about the girl anymore
I'm just telling you...
After you read this nice story...
Please be kind
Please don't be selfish

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