Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grade 6 Present Trade

This is the picture of us when we celebrate Presents Trade (we trade presents)
We have so much fun !!!
The funny part is that our fantastic friend and my best friend plus my best friend's crush got his present
When he got the present it was wrapped by a newspaper
When he opened the present, there was another newspaper. He opened again and it was still a newspaper. Again... Again... And again
Finally he become furious so he tear all the newspaper together and threw it away
Finally he got a little present
I forgot what it is
All of us laugh so hard
And his face turns red
We wish that time never ends...
Cuz it's so funny!!


  1. Wow! i'm there!! wow!! ahaha....i lovee you! (alayness mode on!)..wakakak

  2. For the hundred million times...
    I LOVE U TOO!!!!!!
